Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Favorite Hobbies

My favorite hobbies would probably be filming and video games. I  have all kinds of film ideas that i think would  receive positive feedback from a wide variety of people. unfortunately, i do not have the knowledge, experience, or the equipment to even start filming. editing videos and clips into the film is another thing i need experience with. hopefully i will soon get a job so that im able to pay for my equipment and be able to take some film classes at my local community college to help out with the project. whether its big film projects to recording the things i do everyday, film/photography is something i really enjoy doing because it can lead to alot of paths in the future.

Another hobby i enjoy doing is playing video games. for me, video games has been a big part of my life. since my childhood, i was sucked into the gaming world and all the things it had to offer. whether it was a gameboy or a controller, i would never be far away from a video game. over the years, technology has advanced, more and more people are being sucked into the gaming community. New tournaments are being held for gaming crews to see which are more superior and there is a well known pro circut also known as Major Leauge Gaming (MLG). there are also companies designed to enhance your online performance such: as Scuf Controllers, Turtle Beach Systems and Razer Inc.these companies also sponser gamers across the globe to use their products at gaming events or in their everyday lives. some people even record their gameplay and post it on the internet and get thousands of people waching them daily and companies, like the ones listed above, offer sponserships to them for gaining a fanbase and advertising to get people to buy companies products.

 hopfully one day, ill play a role in the gaming community and find a way to implament both gaming and filmography so i can find a career that i will look forward to doing everytime i wake up.

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